Nap Trap

Ships: Vaiz / Myomut.
Characters: Vaiz, Myomut.
Words: 267 words.
Things was pretty peaceful, considering they were in the middle of an important, very lively tournament. But Vaiz was asleep and Myomut had gotten stuck watching. They didn't run into each other all that often, being from different countries and Myomut always travelling.
Ultimately though, resting his forehead against Vaiz's turned out to be a pretty bad idea, when suddenly, Vaiz sneezed, and their foreheads crashed together, hard.
Myomut bent forward, grabbing at his forehead with one hand and the hard couch the darkhaired Killer had been leaning against. Had he been wearing his forehead protector he might have been fine, but without it, not as much. He looked up at Vaiz, tears in his eyes and his body shaking a little. His fingers were slightly white from holding on to the couch.
Vaiz rubbed his face against his pants knee, peering down at the hero. "You okay?" he asked as he rubbed sleep sand out of his eyes.
After a few moments, Myomut nodded. "Yes." It hurt but he was fine, despite that. He was still rubbing at his forehead, though.
"Hmmm," Vaiz patted him on the head, ruffling his hair a little. Myomut glanced up at him from wiping the tears from his eyes. As he did, Vaiz tipped forward and pressed a light kiss to his hair. Then he patted the space on the couch beside him. "Still some time until the next fights," he said. "Nap."
Myomut allowed Vaiz to pull him to his feet and onto the couch. Once there, he nestled up against the other Killer, smile slipping back in place.