Show By Kinks I: 2

Canon: Show By Rock!!.
Ships: Yudas Jinbabue / Shu☆Zo.
Characters: Yudas, Shu☆Zo.
Words: 401 words.

Warnings & Triggers
  • dubious consent

  • Other Topics Included
  • sweat

    "Look," Yudas says. One of his hands grasps Shu☆Zo's chin, making him look up, straight ahead. "How lovely you are."

    In front of them is a large mirror with a gilded, fancy frame, which wraps around their forms. Shu☆Zo's gaze rakes over his own body, taking in the flush of arousal, his red-pinched nipples, his throbbing cock, dripping cum onto the velvet bed spread. He's shining with sweat, yet still his hair retains its bounce. All the hair product in it, both water and sweat resistant, helps it stay both light and shiny.

    He feels anything but light and shiny though, sticky with bodily fluids.

    Shu☆Zo doesn't feel lovely, either. Just tired. Drained. Yudas, for all the bags under his eyes making him seem like he never has enough sleep, seems unable to tire in these times. Meanwhile, Shu☆Zo just wants to collapse in a heap and sleep the hours away. He already gets far from enough sleep as is, but on his rare days off, it isn't unusual for the president of Judas Productions to call Shu☆Zo, his top star, to perform more private shows.

    The sweat make Shu☆Zo's skin gleam more than the fake sparkles in his eyes. He keeps his smile in place, so fake he sometimes even convinces himself it's real. He notices his eyes doesn't match colour, but he doesn't have the energy to mention that one of his contacts have fallen out. The bandage around his arm has, damp, loosened, and part of the black tattoo nobody who know Shu☆Zo, not even Kai and Riku, know that he has, is showing. He looks away from it, once more meet his own gaze in the mirror. Sweat beads in his eyelashes. They flick away as he blinks. A drop slides down his cheek, shivers at the tip of his chin for a brief moment, before it falls.

    Yudas' lips presses to Shu☆Zo's cheek; he resists the urge to cringe as burning hot lips smears the sweat, mixed with fresh saliva, on his skin.

    "You taste the same but oh, how you have changed."

    Shu☆Zo drives his ass down onto Yudas' engorged cock, trying to run the thoughts and words from both of their minds.

    At least when the old man shuts up and just fucks him, he doesn't have to listen to words about the past he had abandoned, together with a part of his heart.

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