Show By Kinks I: 5

Canon: Show By Rock!!.
Ships: Reppanyo / 151.
Characters: Reppanyo, 151.
Words: 614 words.

Warnings & Triggers
  • branding

    She was sitting on top of him, her feet dangling a few centimeters over the floor. His bare chest heaved, muscles shaking with each breath. She wasn't heavy, and he wasn't tired, but the leather straps wrapped around his body were pulled tight, tight, and his position was strained. She was sitting on his stomach, a mechanical-like sheen mixing with the soft glow and gentle smile in her eyes.

    Ikoy watched her intently, his body near completely still, save for shis breathing and his shivering limbs. Reppanyo had a stylus of sorts in her hand, a sleek, metallic thing with a pink silicone cover for ease of grip. She stroked his bare chest with her other hand, and the long sleeves of her dress ticked his strained muscles.

    He watched her slide downward, her gaze never leaving his. She slid down between his thighs, nestled neatly between then as they were spread apart on the bench. He heard the soles of her shoes slide against the floor.

    Reppanyo's gaze was firm, as she slid her hand over his pubic area. She had told him to wax there, to get every little strand off completely, and it had hurt worse than being stabbed but he had done it anyway. His skin was a little red, a little sore from the waxing earlier in the day, and her fingers caressing him felt pleasant. His cock twitched against its metal cage. The corner of his eye twitched, just slightly; he had learned of this tell through her, and the way that she chuckled.

    "Pets only get to cum when their owners allow it," Reppanyo chimed softly, as she kept caressing his sensitive skin. "And their owners only allow it if they're good." Her fingers stopped moving, and she tilted her head slightly sideways. "You're a good pet, aren't you, Ikoy-san?"

    Ikoy hadn't been able to cum in nearly a week. He nodded. He was a bad pet sometimes, other times he was a good pet. She bent over, and Ikoy couldn't help the whine of need when he felt Reppanyo's lips against the side of the cock cage.

    He felt her breath against his skin. She hadn't yet raised her head when she once again spoke. "Bad pets don't run off on their own." He groaned when she nipped at his sensitive pubic area with her teeth. "But good pets are marked, so they can easily be returned to their owner." Another nip of teeth, and she straightened up. She met his gaze again, as she started to once again caress his red skin.

    She was silent, after that. She leaned to the side, and with a stinging cold fluid she wiped down his pubic area and the spot beneath, to the base of his cock.

    The buzzing sound of electricity was loud in the otherwise silent room.

    The pen pressed to his skin, and though the tool she used was far more high-tech than what marked Ikoy's face, Reppanyo's chosen location was a whole other wort of sensitive. The pain was incredible. He shivered in the sturdy leather bindings, and he laughed around the gag in his mouth. The pain was also pleasure, and he chased it until it diminished. Her gentle, steady gaze met with his, which swam with pained tears of denial. She brushed her fingertips just below his burningly sensitive skin, and she kissed his sweaty cheek, before she undid all the restraints to allow him movement and to see her handiwork.

    Three slanted lines, with one dot on each side of them. Her mark, just above his cock.

    He's much rather a maybe-dead girl's pet than the soldier to some faceless country.

    Copyright © 2023 Tofi Stigandr